
St Mary MacKillop Primary provides a comprehensive and exciting curriculum, inspiring creativity and a love of learning in all of our students.

Curriculum at St Mary MacKillop Penrith

Our school curriculum is in line with the NSW Education Standards Australia (NESA) policies as well as the Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese office. As a Catholic school we provide an integrated Religious Education program, complemented by a keen spirit of social justice.

Individual talents are recognised and developed through the provision of diverse opportunities and experiences across all aspects of the curriculum. Primary learning includes whole-class, group and individual activities designed to develop an inquiring mind and teach basic learning skills needed for schooling and later life.

Literacy and numeracy are the building blocks of learning, and that is why English and Mathematics take up half of students' learning time in primary school. At Mary MacKillop we have a child-centred and literature-based approach to literacy instruction, with a strong religious dimension that runs through all the key learning areas (KLAs) of:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science and Technology
  • Human Society and Its Environment
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Creative Arts

We believe that teaching and learning should be an engaging experience for both students and teachers. This engagement is characterised by the setting of high expectations, explicit teaching, quality relationships, and a belief in lifelong learning.

This is best achieved within the positive and supportive environment of the school community within the Catholic tradition.